A School of Movement Medicine weekend dance workshop with David Mooney, Graz, Austria
Venue: Studio KI (Burggasse 9, 2. Stock) Graz
Price: regular price 220,-- / 200,-- for Jagati members, early bird 180,-- / 160,-- Jagati members- if paid fully by Jan. 1, 2018. Reduced price of 120 Euro for the dancers from Ex-Yugoslavia and Eastern Europe
Contact: eva.jagati@gmail.com or helga@kochana.at
Movement Medicine is a dance practice that will reconnect you to the wisdom of living from the heart and will deepen your connection to yourself, your creativity and integrity as well as enliven your relationship with life on all levels. It has roots in indigenous shamanic wisdom as well as contemporary therapeutic pathways such as Gestalt and latest developments in Neuroscience.
During this Medicine Dance weekend workshop and ceremony you will have an opportunity to:
- Dance through and with the SEER process for soul retrieval: This is a strong and supportive process to release old structures that may be taking up a lot of energy and life force. Often these old ways of being were originally put in place for very good reason but are no longer needed. This is an opportunity to honour their service, release what is ready to be released and create space to call back gold of the soul and dream in more resonant ways of being and living in the world.
- Dance into Movement Medicine Gold of the Soul ceremony for soulful healing, dreaming and creating.
- Liberate and reclaim life force through the potent and clear practices of Movement Medicine
- Release old patterns, stuck emotions or core messages you believe about yourself that may have been holding you back from being more fully yourself and alive to what you have to offer in this life.Reclaim your own life energy or 'Gold of the Soul' that may be currently unavailable due to old patterns, beliefs or defences.Learn simple practices and ways to integrate this into your life so you can invite more soulful living in your day to day living.
Whether you are a seasoned dancer or newcomer you will come away with a tool kit of practical and subtle exercises relevant for meeting the challenges of walking this life in these times.
David is a fully qualified Movement Medicine teacher and is a member of the School of Movement Medicine Faculty. He has trained with Joanna Macy and is a practicing psychotherapist. He integrates these skills and his passion for shamanic pathways into his work as a Movement Medicine Teacher in Ireland and throughout Europe. He teaches Movement Medicine, as a contemporary map to explore what it means to be alive in these times and how to transform patterns and wounds into opportunities for growth so we can give all that we can in this lifetime for the benefit of all our relations.
David is a gifted multi-faceted teacher of Movement Medicine. His commitment to every member of his workshops is outstanding!Pat Burnicardi, Grandmother, dancer and psychotherapist