The Dance of Liberating and Reclaiming Life Force
Limited numbers. 12 weeks. Quite a journey.
6.30pm-8.30pm UK and Ireland
7.30pm-9.30pm Europe
This extraordinary 12-week Movement Medicine course invites a small ongoing group of dancers on a journey together to dance, connect and reclaim life energy.
Sliding Scale €360-€500 for all 12 weeks includes live teaching from Ireland
Tuition can be paid in 3 installments with a €120 deposit.
This course is open to all humans—all genders, colors, ages, physical condition, cultural backgrounds. It is strongly suggested that you have previous experience with Movement Medicine but it is not required.
The centerpiece of this course will be learning to dance through and with the SEER process for soul retrieval. This is a core Movement Medicine practice—a strong and supportive process to release old structures that may be taking up a lot of energy and life force. Often these old ways of being were originally put in place for very good reason but are no longer needed. This is an opportunity to honor their service, release what is ready to be released and create space to call back The Gold of the Soul and dream in more resonant and soulful ways of being and living in the world. You will learn how to connect with your own Inner Shaman and use this process at your own pace, in a place of resource, safety, and the choice to practice applying these sacred tools to your day-to-day life.
Learn all aspects a central core practice of Movement Medicine…THE SEER PROCESS
The key part of this course will be learning to dance through and with the SEER process for soul retrieval. This is a core Movement Medicine practice—a strong and supportive process to release old structures that may be taking up a lot of energy and life force. Often these old ways of being were originally put in place for very good reason but are no longer needed. This is an opportunity to honor their service, release what is ready to be released and create space to call back The Gold of the Soul and dream in more resonant and soulful ways of being and living in the world. You will learn how to connect with your own Inner Shaman and use this process at your own pace, in a place of resource, safety, and the choice to practice applying these sacred tools to your day-to-day life.
• Make a Vision Bundle as a creative way to focus your intentions for the year ahead.
• Learn the Movement Medicine Body-Heart-Mind Incantations guided exercise grounded in neuroscience, that you can use in your daily life for anchoring in the medicine of what resources you.
• Discover your own unique practical, achievable, repeatable, clear small steps to create real change.
• Dance in ceremony to deepen our relationship with the Sacred in your life.
• Learn how to create simple techniques to improve your capacity to integrate the experiences of the dance in your day-to-day life and to increase the success of goal orientation and completion.
• Learn a simple Movement Medicine Practice for moving through andshaking off stuck energy.
• Create your own simple PARC goals (practical, achievable, repeatable and clear actions ) to improve your capacity to create long lasting change.
• Learn the work of the 'Conflicting Commitments' exercise to get underneath the reasons for sabotaging your goals.
"Movement Medicine is a dance practice that will reconnect you to the wisdom of living from the heart and will deepen your connection to yourself, your creativity and integrity as well as enliven your relationship with life on all levels. It has roots in shamanic and nature-based wisdom as well as contemporary therapeutic pathways such as Gestalt and latest developments in Neuroscience".
WEEK 1. THE UNBROKEN AND THE SOVEREIGNTY OF THE DANCER. Awaken the sovereignty of the Spirit of the Dancer within. Connect to the unbroken nature of life and activate the Inner Shaman to bring alive the inner sacred in your day-to-day life.
WEEK 2: DANCE AND MEDICINE OF THE ELEMENTS - Develop the dynamic medicine and teachings of the elements.
WEEK 3: VISIONING FOR 2021 – Alchemist’s Garden Journey to plant seeds of intention. Create a Vision board and Vision Bundles for the year ahead.
WEEK 4: MEDICINE OF YIN / YANG - POLYVAGAL WISDOM Learn about the wisdom of the polyvagal nervous system and how the Yin / Yang Movement Medicine practices can support the toning of your nervous system and orient toward the health of the Ventral Vagal of the nervous system which is about ‘safety, balance and connection’.
WEEK 5: CONFLICTING COMMITMENTS PRACTICE Exploring underlying personal unconscious commitments that undermine your efforts to fulfill qualities in yourself or intentions that you are passionately committed to so therefore fail to materialize.
WEEK 6: BEFRIENDING THE EMOTIONS Learn how to embody and move with the emotions as a dancer to and support your capacity to be in Presence of Heart in the resource of the body through the teachings of the elements.
WEEK 7: ALCHEMY OF HEALING - exploring a core practice of Movement Medicine to embody, move, express, release and transform energy, emotions, feelings and thoughts in the dance.
WEEK 8: SEER PROCESS 1 - THE DANCE OF LIBERATING AND RECLAIMING LIFE FORCE. The strong central practice of Movement Medicine for recapitulation and transformation of old patterns, behaviors and beliefs into potent life energy.
WEEK 9: SEER PROCESS 2 THE DANCE OF LIBERATING AND RECLAIMING LIFE FORCE. The strong central practice of Movement Medicine for recapitulation and transformation of old patterns, behaviors and beliefs into potent life energy.
WEEK 10: INCANTATIONS AND BODY-HEART-MIND INTENTIONSWorking with the wisdom of Neuroscience to support the grounding and anchoring of ‘Gold of the Soul’ intentions, reclaimed life energy from the SEER process to integrate this in your day-to-day self and life.
WEEK 11: GOLD OF THE SOUL CEREMONY Sacred ‘Medicine of Balance’ Ceremony. Dancing to deepen our relationship with the Sacred in your life. Prayers for the Love of life.
WEEK 12: INTEGRATIONS AND BRINGING THE MEDICINE HOMEWe set our intentions to alchemize what we have learned and experienced to cultivate creative responses to the opportunities and challenges we face at this time.
You will have the option of joining a live daily weekday practice during the course with David’s Teaching Assistant(s) —55 sessions in all! You will be dancing to David’s recorded guided sessions. Movement Medicine is moving meditation practice similar to yoga and/or meditation that deepens with time and repetition.
We will invite you to an (optional) private communication network called TRIBE that to share with other dancers during this journey (and beyond) off of Facebook -- inviting the opportunity to create new connections, if desired, with others in our growing Movement Medicine growing community.
You will receive access to an online platform exclusive to your course with generous package of materials and resources to support you during and after this course, including the following:
30-minute guided recording ‘Awaken the Dancer'
30-minute guided recording ‘Elements'
30-minute guided recording ‘ALCHEMY OF HEALING’
45-min guided recording ‘SEER PROCESS’ Movement Medicine practice by David Mooney specifically for this course
15-min guided recording ‘BODY-HEART-MIND INTENTIONSMovement Medicine practice by David Mooney for planting dream seeds and intentions in your day-to-day from the creativity and body, heart mind aligning practices of Movement Medicine.
WEEKLY VIDEOS POST CLASS sharing and teaching about Movement Medicine
Tutorial videos about Polyvagal theory, practice and exercises to support your nervous system.
A guide to Conflicting Commitments Exercise
An exploration of the Wisdom of the Elements
The profound medicinal importance of developing a Compassionate ‘Inner witness’A video Tutorial to show how to create a Dream Seed BundleVideo tutorial on the Roots of the Seer Process
A brief history of the SEER process and its creation by Ya’Acov Darling Khan
The Toltec Shamanic practice of recapitulation and how this informs the SEER Process
The fundamental ‘Alchemy of Healing’ principle and practice of Movement Medicine
INFORMATION ABOUT: ~A neuroscience perspective of our capacity to create real, long lasting inner change. ~The deeply informative work of Somatic Experiencing, Peter Levine and Bessel Van Der Kolk. ~Gestalt dynamic psychotherapeutic Principle of ‘Vaso Motoric’ Cycle that informs the SEER Process.
● Weekly live sessions in our strong community
● Guided downloadable personal practice dance journeys tailored or this onoing group
● Access to an interactive resourcing community hub online
● Support groups or the journey over the 6 months
● Weekly ocus and tasks or you to enae with in a way that its with your schedule
● Access to a learnin, study and practice resource hub with weekly video tutorials and learning materials or you to gain a deep understanding of all things Movement Medicine and
to simplify the theory and background to this rich Movement Medicine work as well as related and complementary practices
● Small sharin and listening circles
● Track your progress online with the practices and study
A deeply compassionate and riorous beriendin o all parts o Sel, including sources of softening the inner critic and understanding the roots o maladaptive core beliefs and sel sabotae.
This is done through an exploration o and immersion into practices careully crated rom a synthesis o the core works of Movement Medicine, the Polyvaal theory, Internal Family Systems, Gestalt Therapy and Rogerian cultivatin inner compassionate witnessing practiceRESOURCE AND RESILIENCE
Explore the maps of Movement Medicine in an immersive ongoing enquiry into your own circles of support over the 6 months with speciic guidance from David and interactive tasks to deepen your relationship with your own personal circles of support. We use the Elemental maps, the Inner Shaman guidance practice, Medicine Circle maps of seen and unseen support o animal allies and resilience models inormed by sensorimotor wisdom
Design your own Movement Medicine Immersion project. Crat your own orientation and speciic intentions that are in alignment with your essential core sel. A 6 month journey to explore your passion and purpose on the round o compassion and resource
Be part of a strong, engaged community of fellow committed dancers over these 14 weeks
● Whole group practice
● small circle sharin and listening through Deep listenin sharing protocol.
● support group ongoing journey of mutual support
● Weekly check ins